HARDBIKE is a sports event that takes place over 4 days, with the personal challenge of completing these three considerably tough stages.

Participation in this sports event can be as individuals or in pairs, with the option for mixed pairs or those composed of members of the same sex.

During these four stages, the times of each participant will be recorded for safety and control purposes for all riders. This is done to ensure knowledge of a participant's location at any given time and to determine if they are capable of completing each stage in its entirety, thereby allowing them to start the next stage.

If a rider finishes any of the stages outside of the time frame specified by the organization, they will be allowed to start the other stages. However, they will not be considered a "finisher" of the complete event in such cases.

Cut-off times are established and announced within the stage information to help participants plan their strategies for completing the event. These times also ensure the safety of the participants and the organization. Any rider who exceeds these cut-off times will be considered out of the stage from that moment on, and they will be informed of this fact. Nevertheless, as previously mentioned, they will still be allowed to start the next stage.

In HARDBIKE, the use of GPS is mandatory as a mechanism to follow the route. During the stages, there will be signage only to indicate access to roads and complex passages. GPS tracking is the means to complete the routes.

The times recorded to determine the position of the riders will be provided to all participants afterward in an "arrival order." This allows each participant to be aware of the time it took them to complete each stage, and these times will be summed up to calculate the total number of hours of mountain biking throughout the event.

All routes are 100% bikeable and have been verified on multiple occasions. However, this does not mean that due to fatigue or technical difficulties, a rider may encounter a small area where they judge it's faster and safer to dismount and walk rather than ride their bike.

At the end of any stage, the organization may request the GPS device from any rider to confirm that they have followed the track correctly and, as a result, are eligible for the "finisher" status of the event.

Participants can choose the size of the gifts, provided that their registration is made before April 10. If not, they should assume that the organization had to estimate the sizes ordered later, which may not be the size they desire.

In the route section, participants will find the different proposed itineraries (when they are made public), which may be modified (partially or entirely, as well as in the proposed dates) by the organization if they deem it necessary, with a focus on the safety of the riders.


As anticipated in the points described above, HARDBIKE is a sports event that goes beyond pure competition; it's about coming to this territory to enjoy three days of genuine mountain biking, and, therefore, the friendly atmosphere should prevail above all else.

For the year 2024, the organization foresees different scenarios, which will be described below, so that every participant can have all the information they need from the outset regarding how the event will proceed based on the situation:

  1. Normal Situation: The first plan is for a normal situation in which the event will take place without any limitations in any aspect. It will be a mountain biking event with marked routes where GPS is the primary navigation system, and the course markings are simply aids for participants' reassurance. In this scenario, group starts will be possible, and participants will have access to aid stations during the stage without restrictions. After the stage, there will be meals, awards ceremonies, and other activities.

  2. Situation with Mandatory Restrictions: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization will strive to adapt to the situation, adhering to any mandatory measures required by authorities. For example, if social distancing is mandatory at the time of the sports event, a start system that allows for it will be implemented. Any other mandatory measures (such as changes to aid stations or the meal system after each stage) will be adjusted based on guidance from competent authorities, in the interest of all participants and the organization.

  3. Situation of Sports Event Prohibition: In cases where sports events are not permitted or the situation does not advise holding one, the organization will transition HARDBIKE to a free-format event. This means that all participants can collect their race packets and complete the stages individually, with physical activity taking precedence as a leisure element. In this case, each rider will choose the order they prefer for completing the stages, starting whenever they wish. Given that by the proposed date, all routes will have been cleared for passage, participants can fully enjoy the trails. However, in this case, the routes must be followed solely through the GPS system, as the event is not being conducted as a formal sports competition, and the organization will not provide course markings.

Although the stages are completed in a free format, the organization will offer participants the opportunity to compete "against" others using the STRAVA application. Participants will be required to record their routes on STRAVA, allowing for the determination of overall and category-specific timing rankings and the opportunity to compete for trophies in each category.

  1. Mobility Restriction Scenario: If, at the time of the event, there are limitations on mobility, the organization, as in the previous case, will establish a free-format event. Unlike the previous point, participants will not be required to complete the stages over the three days of HARDBIKE. Instead, they will have a much more extended period, influenced by mobility restrictions' timeframes (with the aim of ensuring ample time for everyone to participate). This timeframe will likely range from one to two months.

As in the previous scenario, all participants will be encouraged to record their routes on STRAVA to enable a comprehensive ranking in various categories and the opportunity to compete for category-specific trophies.

HARDBIKE emphasizes that these scenarios will not be proposed by the organization but will depend on the actual circumstances at the time. The organization will objectively apply the relevant protocol as determined within this framework.


HARDBIKE features the following categories:

  • Lumberjack Elite: This category is for participants with an elite license or those under 30 years old. Individuals aged over 30 may choose to participate in this category if they have an elite license. They cannot participate in two categories and must select one during registration.

  • Lumberjane: This category is for all female individuals participating individually.

  • Lumberjack 30: Participants in this category are between 30 and 39 years old.

  • Lumberjack 40: Participants in this category are between 40 and 49 years old.

  • Lumberjack 50: Participants in this category are between 50 and 59 years old.

  • Lumberjack 60: Participants in this category are between 60 and 160 years old.

  • Authentic Lumberjack: This special category is for participants who complete all stages dressed in genuine jeans and a real shirt (HARDBIKE jerseys are not allowed).

  • Two-person Team Men: This category is for male pairs.

  • Two-person Team Mixed: This category is for mixed-gender pairs.

  • Two-person Team Women: This category is for female pairs.

  • E-bike: Whether this category has podiums or not depends on the level of participation. To qualify for a podium, there must be a minimum of 15 participants.

  • All the categories described above must have a minimum of 3 participants. If there are not enough participants, the category will remain vacant due to lack of competition.


The organization provides through this website, the different official accommodations, so that the runners have different options close to each of the stages. These accommodations have to be hired directly, thanks to the links to their different booking formulas. The runner must indicate that he is going to carry out the HARDBIKE test, since in this way the accommodations can be directed to the organization, with the intention that we can leave the luggage in the accommodation in question.



For the proper functioning of the event, the following material is mandatory:

- GPS: It is mandatory to be able to follow the route, since only the conflicting points of access to roads will be marked, as well as points of added difficulty that must be marked so that the runner is aware of them.

- Thermal blanket and windscreen: As a test that takes place in a high mountain environment, the organization puts a thermal blanket and windscreen among the mandatory material. The organization will inform the participants of the need or not to carry this material depending on the conditions of the day, this communication will be made through the HARDBIKE 2024 telegram channel (https://t.me/hardbike2024).

- Whistle: It is mandatory to carry it with you to be able to warn in case of an accident and for the other participants to listen correctly.

-Marked gels and bars: It is mandatory for the runner to mark all his nutritional material with his bib number.

Everything described as mandatory material for HARDBIKE 2023 has no exceptions, if a runner does not access this material, he will be expelled from the test.


Once the runner has proceeded with his registration, he will receive a confirmation email of the same, which he must keep in case there is anything. All the information prior to the test will be sent to the email provided to the organization, so that it can be known and managed in time.

In case of wanting to cancel the registration, the runner must know that depending on the date, one amount or another will be returned:

Before April 2: 70% refund

Before May 2: 50% refund

Before June 2: 30% refund

If the participant cannot attend and wants to change the name of the participant, they must contact the organization to proceed with this change, which will cost €30 if the change is made before April 10, and €50 € if it is after that date. In order to guarantee the size of the gifts, said contact must be prior to April 10, otherwise, the organization will not be able to guarantee the size of the gift to the participant. There is also the possibility of passing the registration for the following year, in this case, the runner must pay in the following edition, €50 of expenses derived from the change.

Any change in the registration of the participant, must be formalized directly to the following email [email protected], indicating in its statement if it is a change (Change dorsal registration "put the name of the person"), as if it is to postpone their participation in the next edition (Postponing dorsal registration "put the name of the person"). In this second case, the runner must know that it is only allowed to postpone it for one year, not being able to "eternalize" his presence during repeated editions.

Finally, indicate that in the event of any serious injury that makes participation impossible, HARDBIKE will refund the amount paid (minus the expenses derived from it, that is, €10). To do this, the participant must send an email to [email protected], indicating in his statement "Participant dorsal injury "put the name of the person", within this email must be attached the information provided by the medical services (x-rays, etc.) In case of not being able to justify the injury with evidence, the organization will not be able to proceed with the return, if everything is correct, as indicated above, the amount paid will be returned to the runner, less €10 of expenses derived from the registration management.

According to current regulations, being positive for covid does not represent a valid reason for the cancellation of a participant's registration.

As specified above in the characteristics of the test, HARDBIKE is not going to be canceled in any case, but rather it will adapt to the situation that occurs at the time of its celebration, which is why, by not canceling, the Cancellation conditions are those described in this point.

Any change in the registration will ONLY be answered if the communication channel of the email described above is used, no other means (either mobile, facebook, instagram will be valid to be able to provide said information).